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We have put together a list of questions we predict families/athletes may have about our football program.  If however you cannot find your answers here, please contact our football directors at and they will get back to you!

How do I register my athlete?

Registration for the Spring Football season will open in Jan/Feb. Spring Football is a great way to dip your toes in and see if Bellingham Falcons Football is for you and your athlete.

Registration for Fall Football  season will open March/April.  Registering early is a great way to take advantage of our payment plans. You will register your athlete by their school grade.  Once all registrations are in, we will roster them onto their respective teams.

You will need to fill out a Player Pack and provide an original birth certificate (with raised seal) for inspection, as well as a copy of your athlete’s birth certificate.  Also a copy of their most recent report card (fall season only) and physical or medical clearance dated in the year of play. We will have several “Paperwork Turn In” dates posted on our website and social media.

What type of football do you offer?

We offer Flag and Tackle Football. 

Flag football allows younger players to learn the concepts, skills, fundamentals and positions in a safe and enjoyable environment. Tackling is prohibited in flag football and no pads or helmets are required. Flag football is focused on a running and passing game, as well as blocking. Flag football is available for athletes aged 5 by July 31, entering Kindergarten through Grade 3. Tackle football available for grades 4-7, depending on registration. 

Our football teams compete against other towns in the EMass league. You will be required to travel to all AWAY games.

What gear will my athlete need?

Flag Football athletes will wear team jerseys provided by BAYFC and flags. We also provide socks for game day for both Flag and Tackle. In September, we wear gold socks for childhood cancer awareness. In October, we wear pink socks for breast cancer awareness. 

Tackle athletes will also receive one pair of pants with pads and a jersey. Tackle athletes need to provide their own athletic cup. 

Both flag and tackle players are responsible to supply their own mouthguard, shorts/pants, depending on the weather, water bottle and cleats. 

When and where will practice be held?

Our season starts at the end of July/beginning of August. All athletes are required to participate in ten (10) hours of conditioning to start the season. Tentatively, practices are scheduled Monday-Thursday evenings for the month of August. Our younger teams practice 3-4 times a week during the summer and then drop down to 2-3 practices a week with the start of the school year. Practices are held on the fields at Bellingham Memorial School on Blackstone Street. Practice dates and times will be finalized by coaches at the start of the season. 

What can you tell me about the safety of my athlete?

Everyone at BAYFC is committed to providing a safe environment for all athletes. 

All of our Board Members are EMT/AID/First Aid certified.  At least 1 coach per team is also certified.  All coaches are required to complete the CDC Heads Up concussion certification along with training certificates as deemed necessary from AYC.

We have an EMT on site for all football games - flag and tackle.

All of our Helmets are mandated to be reconditioned every 2 years (whether they have been used or not), and our tackle padding is checked before passing out.

In Summer of 2024 we also purchased Guardian Caps for our tackle footballers.  More info on these caps can be found here.

What are the parental commitments?

Fundraising: Parents/guardians are required to participate in fundraising throughout the season. Some of our fundraisers include selling DoubleGood Popcorn through an online store. We also hope to hold several event fundraisers - some adults only and some for all ages. Attending a fundraising event is a great way to get involved, meet other people involved in our program and raise money for our league without soliciting donations. 

Volunteering: Our organization is entirely run by volunteers. Volunteers are needed throughout the season for game day needs, events, team mom, etc. While we do offer a “Volunteer Buy Out” as part of your registration fees, we’re hoping you’d be willing to donate your time by holding chains at a football game, working for an hour or two in our concession stand, volunteering at cheer competitions, etc. 

Equipment: In season care and cleaning, prompt return of equipment once the season has completed. 

Paperwork: Player Packet, payment, original birth certificate, report care and physical dated during the calendar year. Example: athlete’s physical is dated September 2024 is not valid for the 2025 season. The physical must be dated in 2025. If your child’s physical schedule does not fall during the calendar year, there is a medical form in the Player Packet that your athlete’s physician can sign. 

When and where are games held?

Games begin mid/late August and run through the end of October. Games are typically held on Sundays but we do hope to have at least one Saturday night game “under the lights”. 

We play home games at George Anderson Field between Bellingham Memorial School and Bellingham High School. Away games are scheduled by EMass and are held in towns across the Eastern Mass region. 

What can I expect on Game Day?

We ask that you arrive thirty (30) minutes before your game is scheduled to meet up with your team and coaches to warm up. Games will be played in accordance with the rules of AYF with a minimum of two (2) referees and an EMT on site, provided by our league. Concessions and restrooms are generally available at each field. 

How do I stay informed?

BAYFC will use a combination of email, the GroupMe app and social media (Facebook/Instagram) to communicate with parents. General announcements will be posted on social media and sent via email. More detailed, time sensitive and team-specific information will be shared via GroupMe app which is exclusive to your team. You will be able to participate in a group message with other parents/guardians and coaches to discuss practice, upcoming events, competitions, etc. This is a good way to coordinate rides or carpooling, when necessary. 

Please follow the Bellingham American Youth Football and Cheer Facebook and/or Instagram (@bellinghamAYFC) to keep up with general announcements. We share pictures and videos of games, competitions, practice, etc. on social media. 

What is Falcon Friday?

Falcon Friday is how we show our team spirit and represent our league. We ask all athletes to wear Falcons gear to school on Friday’s before a game to show their pride and team spirit in an effort to be visible in our schools and across town. While this isn’t required, we hope you’ll all participate and show everyone what being part of the “Falcons Fam” is all about! If you can catch a picture of your Falcon athlete in their gear, send it along to your team’s GroupMe and they’ll make the weekly social media feed. We’ve found it’s something the kids really enjoy participating in and helps bring awareness to our league!

We know this is alot of information and it can seem daunting!  However we want to ensure families are fully informed before signing up.  We are extremely passionate Board Members and Coaches and we believe in this sport and our athletes and cannot wait to have you join our Falcon Family!